How To Create a Perfect Home Study Space for This School Year
Back to school in 2020 is much different than in previous years. With many school districts doing online learning this school year, your student might need an at-home study space to get their school work done.
Create a Quiet, Distraction-Free Zone
A quiet space that is free of distractions will help your child succeed with this new form of learning. Music could be quietly played so the silence doesn’t become overwhelming, but it should not be played from something distracting like a cell phone. If there’s not a ton of space for a desk, there are some ways to set up a work area in small spaces.
Have A Well-Stocked Study Area
Your student’s study area should have everything they might need to complete their work. This way they don’t have to run all over the house looking for supplies when they could be doing school work. Some things they should have are paper, pens/pencils, and anything else they might need.
Good Lighting is Key
If the study area is too dark, your child will be straining their eyes and it could make them more distracted. A desk by a window could help, but you also don’t want your student to get distracted by things going on outside. Good lighting will allow them to get more school work done.
Keep A Schedule
Creating a schedule for your child will help them stay on task and remind them what they should be working on. Some students might have virtual classes that they have to attend. Having a schedule can help your child remember to join the virtual class. Breaks should be included in the schedule as well, so your child doesn’t get worn out.
Make the Space Comfortable
If your child is not comfortable in their study space, they will not get as much school work done. There should be a place to sit upright at a table to help your student focus. Your child should help decorate the space to make sure they feel comfortable and inspired. Keep an eye on them to see how they work best. You can always adjust the space based on your observations.
Help Should Be Close By
At some point, your child will need help or have questions about their assignments. You or someone that is able to offer guidance should be close by. That way they won’t get stuck on a question or assignment and will be able to complete more school work.